another half year of our lives, another autumn out there, winter knocking on the doors, quite melancholy time, sickness all around - but don't worry, be open (and happy) - new Fedora is out! With Plasma lighting up your desktop. Yes, we released KDE version again, first time branded as Plasma Desktop one.
I'm sorry - our spin page does not reflect this change as we were unable to get website team to act (ticket sitting there for two months, last ping one week ago by Rex...) but now I have websites access and I promise to fix it asap. Even some pre-historic relict like "K Desktop Environment".
So what's new in our world? We ship 4.5.2 backed up by Qt 4.7.0 (wow, it was risky, we nearly missed release date here ;-) But thanks to all people who made this possible - Kevin Kofler, Rex Dieter, Than Ngo, Lukas Tinkl, Thomas Janssen and others (users, early testers...). This time I really liked Desktop Validation tests led by Adam Williamson - thank you!
Well, it's all - go to our download page! Do not try to use main "Get Fedora" as our spin is unfortunately hidden to your eyes - if you don't like it - report to websites team :(
PS: I'm preparing a few Fedora/Red Hat branded USB sticks with live version for LinuxAlt - biggest (and best) open source event here in Czech republic. So anyone interested in - just try to catch there and use magic password to get one ;-)
středa 3. listopadu 2010
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